A game by Grayvox and GTortle.

In a dark, heavily guarded castle, specially trained alchemists known as Shadow Benders house hundreds of shadow creatures known as noirdos in cages. The noirdos are used to make powerful potions to fight in the coming war… but one Noirdo is determined to escape before he meets this fate.

The goal is simple - avoid the light and get to the exit. Noirdos cannot be exposed to light or else they will die. This is why the entire dungeon has few torches - but be warned, the guards carry moving light to avoid! Duck and cover whenever you can. The Shadow Benders also seemed to have left some spare elixirs lying around...

Elixir NameEffectDuration
Swiftness ElixirEnhanced speed2 seconds

Good luck, noirdos!

Made for the PirateSoftware Game Jam - July 2024.

Programming and Art by Grayvox.
Music and Sounds by GTortle.

You can find the game design document here.

Thanks to our play testers:
- TitaniumDragon
- Dasemboh


Game Design Document

Install instructions

As of now, the game is only available on the browser. Future versions will be exported to other platforms.

Development log

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